Werder concerned with Yuya Osako injury

Yuya Osako missed the victories over Dortmund and Augsburg with injury (Photo: nordphoto).
First Team
Tuesday, 12.02.2019 / 16:51

A week ago, Yuya Osako returned from the Asia Cup. However, an immediate return for the Japan international was not mentioned after his country lost in the Asia Cup final. Since returning to Bremen, Osako has missed the DFB-Pokal round of sixteen clash in Dortmund as well as the Green-Whites 120th anniversary match against FC Augsburg. This has been due to an inflamed tendon suffered in the back which has left the Werder coaching team and hierarchy concerned.

“We are very concerned that Yuya was fit to play in the Asia Cup semi-finals and final, but hasn’t been able to play for us since returning to Bremen. He also didn’t seem to suffer any further injuries during his time in the UAE,” said Green-Whites sporting director Frank Baumann following the 4-0 home victory against Augsburg. Osako watched the match from the stands in the Weser-Stadion. “Of course we are not pleased with the current situation,” added Baumann.

The sporting director believes that keeping Osako fit in the long-term and playing at the highest possible level is the most important thing. This would also be in the interests of Yuya Osako, the Japanese football association and SV Werder Bremen. “As a result of representing his country at the World Cup last summer and the Asia Cup last month, Yuya has missed two important period of preparation and regeneration.”

Japan have been invited to participate in this summer’s Copa America tournament. Yuya Osako will not take part in the tournament but this decision is not related to the current situation and his injury. “We have already made this decision with the Japanese football association. Of course Yuya would like to go and help his national team. However, both the national association and Werder Bremen do not want one of Japan’s most important players to suffer from burn out,” said Baumann.

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