"An amazing feeling"

Brace against Estonia

Thumbs up for Izet Hajrovic - a brace for Bosnia Herzegovina (photo: nordphoto).
Izet Hajrovic
Wednesday, 11.10.2017 / 07:10

That’s what you call a successful evening! Werder’s midfield man Izet Hajrovic scored both goals in Bosnia-Herzegovina’s 2-1 win over Estonia, his first international brace.

The Green-White number 15 was naturally pleased when he spoke to WERDER.DE post match: "It was just an amazing feeling. It did me a lot of good to be back on the pitch and go on to score two goals."

Despite winning their final group game, Hajrovic and Co. only finished third, thereby missing out on a place at the World Cup in Russia. The situation for Ludwig Augustinsson and the Swedish national team looks very different. Despite a 2-0 defeat to Netherlands on Tuesday night, with Ludwig playing the whole match, Sweden still have every chance of qualifying for Russia 2018. As the second-placed team in Group A, they will compete in the European play-offs in November.

The Eggestein brothers’ evening also ended in defeat. Their European Championship qualifier with the Germany U21s finished 3-1 to Norway. Maxi played from the start and was taken off in the 81st minute, replaced by his brother Johannes. Ulisses Garcia on the other hand enjoyed a 2-0 win over Liechtenstein with the Switzerland U21s.

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