Junuzovic the third player called up for European Championship

The midfielder has been selected in Austria's squad for EURO 2016

Zlatko Junuzovic is in Austria’s 23 man squad for the European Championship in France. (Photo: nordphoto)
First Team
Wednesday, 01.06.2016 / 12:00

It has been confirmed! After László Kleinheisler and Theodore Gebre’s nominations, the final outstanding selection for the Green-Whites European Championship hopefuls was just a formality. Austria head coach Marcel Koller announced his 23-man squad for the tournament after his team’s 2-1 win in their friendly against Malta and Werder’s first team regular and go-to-player Zlatko Junuzovic was included as expected. 

EURO 2016 is the first European Championship finals that Austria have made coming through the qualifiers after taking part as a host nation in EURO 2008. They will face Hungary with Werder’s László Kleinheisler, Portugal and Iceland in group F.  


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