Wolf and Zetterer successfully operated on

Werder keeper Raphael Wolf had to be operated on (photo: nph).
First Team
Friday, 11.03.2016 / 17:20

Werder's Raphael Wolf underwent a procedure on Wednesday evening at the OCM clinic in Munich, where Prof. Dr. Michael Dienst dealt the troublesome hip joint. 

Werder's man in the sticks is now hopeful of a successful healing process. "Of course I could have done without having to have this procedure, but it was necessary and I can only hope to be back on the pitch in the foreseeable future. I want to start training as soon as possible," said Raphael Wolf.

Michael Zetterer was also operated on this week. His operation also went well having broken a bone in his hand. "I'm tired after the surgery but it all went well," the youngster said. He will begin rehabilitation training in the coming weeks in a bid to return to the team.


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