Fans' Day 2016

First details of the schedule

The team will be officially presented at this year’s Fans’ Day (Archive photo: nordphoto).
Thursday, 21.07.2016 / 13:07

Around three and a half weeks to go before the new season officially begins with the annual Fans’ Day. All Werder fans can look forward to an exciting schedule, which will really get your Green-White hearts racing.

The big day is on 14th August and begins at 11:00 CEST. From then on, fans will be kept entertained by a colourful and exciting schedule, including live music from the band Afterburner, a talk with three Werder directors, as well as speeches from sporting director Frank Baumann and head coach Viktor Skripnik. There will also be an autograph session with coaches and players, and stalls held by partners and sponsors.

After this, the action will move inside the stadium. There the Werder fans will be treated to their first sight of the full squad, as they are officially presented. New signings Florian Kainz, Fallou Diagne and Co. will all be there. The official Fans’ Day will conclude with the Volkswagen ALLSTAR Game. The Bundesliga team will pass the baton on to a Werder legends team, who will face a team from Volkswagen.

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