Sturm Graz: Werder a guest at 100th birthday

Bremen’s Austrian international Sebastian Prödl will miss the match against his hometown club.
First Team
Saturday, 11.07.2009 / 14:37

On their way to their second training camp for the current Bundesliga preparations, Werder Bremen will be making a short stop on Saturday, 11 July 2009 in Styria...

On their way to their second training camp for the current Bundesliga preparations, Werder Bremen will be making a short stop on Saturday, 11 July 2009 in Styria. As part of the 100-year birthday celebrations of SK Sturm, head coach Thomas Schaaf’s Bremen troops will face off against the traditional Austrian club at 5 p.m. at the UPC Arena. WERDER.TV will broadcast live from Graz. Werder central defender Sebastian Prödl may shed a tear or two as a viral infection will hinder him from playing against his hometown club, which he left in summer 2008 in favour of Weser-Stadion.


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