Werder membership reaches record high

Werder badge on a post at the Weserstadion
Werder's membership has reached 42,407 (photo: WERDER.DE).
Tuesday, 20.12.2022 / 14:10

At 42,407, SV Werder Bremen’s membership has hit an historic all-time high. The number of members has significantly increased over the last few months.

“This is a fantastic development and we have achieved this without a specific campaign aimed at increasing the club’s membership. This further underlines the enthusiasm for this football club,” explained club president Dr Hubertus Hess-Grunewald. The membership is comprised of 22,335 full members, 670 lifelong members and 20,072 sustaining members.

In the year 2000, the number of Werder members was 3,000. Thanks to a targeted campaign and the introduction of a new membership model, the numbers dramatically increased. The number rose from 18,500 in 2004 to 31,500 in October 2007, before reaching 36,000 in 2009. The Green-Whites were then able to welcome their 40,000th member in 2019. The club can now boast 42,407 members- an historic all-time high.

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