Welcome to the English speaking part of the new Werder forum. Where are you from?

Dieses Thema im Forum "International Board" wurde erstellt von BremerAmerikaLine, 24. Juni 2008.

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  1. Thanks friend. Having problem with finding a good title. Needs to be team related of course and something catchy also. If have any suggestions please let me know lol. And yes it can be related to the team and city as one no problem. Length wise it will probably be close to 300 pages or so and the goal is to have the last chapter be about our promotion this season. As far as when I will be done? Don't like giving a prediction in that regard in case something comes up, but I hope, hope, it will be ready to edit and submit a final draft by September or October.
  2. opalo


    Wo die Ruhr einen großen Bogen macht...
    Sounds great! I wish you every success & fun in compiling the book :) Have you considered to get in touch with Werder about your project? They might be able to provide you with some more historical information about Werder than is available publicly....?
    skroob gefällt das.
  3. Thank you. And yes I have thought about doing so and probably will sooner rather than later. :)
    opalo gefällt das.
  4. Bremen

    Bremen Moderator

    Will the book be nonfiction or are you writing it with a casual, humorous style?
    skroob gefällt das.
  5. Bit of both. Trying now to get some interviews with some people but easier said than done lol.
  6. Bremen

    Bremen Moderator

    Soccer implies emotions. How about a title that reflects these passions? Like, for example, the symbiosis between club and fans?
    skroob gefällt das.
  7. Good idea pal. Always thought the writing would be the hard part lol.
    Christian Günther gefällt das.
  8. Moin Moin!
    USA hier.
    Christian Günther, Cyril Sneer und opalo gefällt das.
  9. Flutlicht82

    Flutlicht82 Guest

    Moin Moin werderoh,
    are you from Ohio?
    werderoh gefällt das.
  10. Yes I am!
  11. No new members from elsewhere since last year?!
  12. Happy 4th to all fellow Americans!
    Born and raised in Germany, I live and work in Indianapolis since 2003. Predicting the last Werder Championship (in 2004) I joined this forum as Werder Wird Meister in 2003. Thinking about founding someday a Werder Farm Team (maybe in Detroit) to have more American soccer players in Bremen.
    I am also following US soccer, especially the National teams, girls and boys (which I hope to play like (the) girls someday). Predicting a US-German final in 3 years, mark my words.
  13. World BBQ Championship Final 2026: Team US vs. Team Germany :D
    WerderWirdMeister gefällt das.
  14. Bremen

    Bremen Moderator

    Hello and welcome to the Werder Bremen Forum. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask them. :)
  15. Moin! My name is Liam, I'm originally from Newcastle and have spent most of my adult life in Glasgow. I'm flying over to Bremen for my first game against Mainz this September which I can't wait for.
  16. opalo


    Wo die Ruhr einen großen Bogen macht...
    Enjoy :beer:
  17. Christian Günther

    Christian Günther Moderator

    That sounds great. I'm crossing my fingers even more that Werder wins against Mainz. :beer:
  18. Another year and just here to have a bier! And hello to anyone international and new.
  19. Greatings from the Northwest of Germany to Ohio :klatsch:
    werderoh gefällt das.