Welcome to the English speaking part of the new Werder forum. Where are you from?

Dieses Thema im Forum "International Board" wurde erstellt von BremerAmerikaLine, 24. Juni 2008.

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  1. anyone from Kansas here in support of Josh Sargent? I predict another Sargent goal against Stuttgart tomorrow! Why? Sporting lost Thursday to Minnesota in the play offs, this should be motivation enough to kick ass and the Mercedes star!
  2. Not a Kansan, but I’m from Oklahoma (lots of family from Kansas), and I now live in Bremen. I am loving getting to watch Sargent continue to grow and develop here. I hope he’s around for quite some time in the future.
    Exil-Ostfriese und Cyril Sneer gefällt das.
  3. Hi there and welcome to the forum from the best footballteam in the world. :top:
    I already noticed you somewhere here and I thought you might be not german :)
    Your german is pretty good, though. :top:
    Studying in Bremen?
    Sorry if I am too curious. ;)
    Anyways, good to have you here and hopefully Sargent will score many goals for Werder!:klatsch:
  4. Haha, thank you for the compliment! No. I actually work here now, since 2018. I did study before I came, but I get the feeling more and more that I’ll always be learning... I’m hoping the forum can help me learn more about football (I still know rather little, I’d say), and German, as well. Thanks for the welcome, and I also hope Sargent will turn into the next Pizarro for SVW!
    Cyril Sneer gefällt das.
  5. Ahh, okay, just learning doesn't really pay the rent, does it?;)
    I guess you can learn about football here,you took the first step by not calling it 'Soccer'.:D
    After all it is a rather simple game, I believe.
    You just have to put that Ball in the goal of the other team and do it more often than your opponent.
    That sums it up, pretty much.:D
    WerderSooner gefällt das.
  6. Hey, Stephanie here from London.

    Due to a pandemic and happenstance it seems Werder Bremen have become my team in Germany.

    So full disclosure I am season ticket holder at Crystal Palace, but right before the pandemic hit I was in Berlin for the weekend to see Luke Combs and to enjoy the City.

    It was also the same weekend Werder were at Hertha, and through a friend (big Werder fan) we managed to get tickets in the Werder section for the 2-2 draw with Hertha.....and that was it, Werder became the team I'd follow. The next thing all football in England stopped, but the Bundesliga restarted and I was now able to have a real interest as I watched Werder appear to try and get themselves relegated, before remembering who they are in the relegation play-off decider. It seems I've joined the green and white at a very low point, this is largely familiar feeling to me as someone that grew up watching Palace!

    Hopefully this season I'll get to the Wesser Stadium this season.
    opalo, mezzo19742, Cyril Sneer und 2 anderen gefällt das.
  7. Bremen

    Bremen Moderator


    Welcome to the forum of your favourite club in Germany. If you have any questions or requests, don't hesitate to contact us.
  8. Thanks for the welcome. Where is the best place to watch the games live online this season? Thanks
  9. Flutlicht82

    Flutlicht82 Guest

    If you are not willing to pay :happy2:
    According to our last performance, we actually should get paid for watching our games :ugly:

    0:1 against Paderborn ... well we should make up leeway...
  10. North Carolina

    Bremen is my team. Started that way due to Sargent but now am just a fan of the team in general. Looking forward to getting involved in the forum.
  11. opalo


    Wo die Ruhr einen großen Bogen macht...
  12. Bremen

    Bremen Moderator

  13. Welcome Seinfeld ;-)
    Had a cap of the Charlotte Hornets back in the days.Early Ninetees that must have been...
  14. Exil-Ostfriese


    91 km bis zum Weserstadion
  15. Hello all! This is @puffyshirt. I have not posted here forever due to being a pretty bad car accident abd being in the hospital for awhile. Better now and love how we are playing. Could not get logged back in so created this new account, hope that's ok and that ya'll have been doing ok.
  16. Flutlicht82

    Flutlicht82 Guest

    Hope you did not get injured too bad.
    Did you receive some sort of Jason Bourne amnesia?
    Looks like you can't remember your @puffyshirt password due to your accident.
  17. @Flutlicht82

    Thank you. It was quite bad tbh, really lucky to be alive.
  18. opalo


    Wo die Ruhr einen großen Bogen macht...
    Hi, welcome back and all the best
    skroob gefällt das.
  19. Hello all.I guess this is best place to put this as any. I am currently writing an english language history book on Bremen and just finished Chapter 5! Don't have a title yet but will post updates as I get closer to finishing it. Probably just post it as a Kindle book on Amazon at first and then will go in and see about physical copies. :)
  20. Bremen

    Bremen Moderator

    Hello, this sounds very interesting. What kind of title do you have in mind? Should it be a general title or something related to Bremen, for example a short phrase typical for the city?